Substance Use Services

Harbor Care’s Treatment and Recovery Services

Addiction is not the end—it is the beginning of the recovery journey. Harbor Care helps hundreds of men, women, adolescents, and families enter the world of recovery every year. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, alcoholism, addiction, or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, we can help. Please contact us today for a confidential, over-the-phone assessment. 

Treating Everyone, Fully

Harbor Care is uniquely designed to support your recovery journey—with or without insurance. No one is turned away, regardless of ability to pay. A full range of quality residential and outpatient services are offered so that we can accompany clients on their journeys from the first time they consider treatment to long-term recovery. 

We offer:

Clients gain access to a full array of recovery support services offered through Harbor Care and community partners, which may include recovery housing, child care, employment services, primary and mental health care, oral health care, and more.

All treatment and services are clinically appropriate, gender-specific, trauma-informed, and follow the latest evidence-based practices, using a Harm Reduction model of care.  Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders are treated together, as part of an integrated care approach that also includes physical and oral health, and social determinants of health, such as housing and employment.

Substance Use in Our Community

Since the opioid crisis, New Hampshire residents have struggled with drug use more than ever before. Parents, spouses, grandparents, children, cousins, friends—everybody knows somebody struggling with or in recovery from addiction. Not only is it common, addiction is:

  • Painful: Depression, anxiety, and trauma often lead to addiction.

  • Lonely: Substance misuse breaks family ties and often leads to homelessness.

  • Expensive: Alcohol and drug use costs the state economy $2 billion each year.

  • Deadly: Hundreds of Granite Staters lose their lives each year to drugs and alcohol.

  • Generational: Children of parents experiencing addiction are more likely to develop substance misuse.

But above all, addiction can be overcome. Harbor Care is helping New Hampshire gain access to life-saving treatment, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. We integrate our treatments with primary and behavioral care as well as social supports that lead to employment, mended families, and a new life in recovery.  


Each year we help hundreds of NH residents enter into recovery. You can read more on our impact page. Ultimately, clients are helped in profound ways that can be hard to measure. Individuals who choose to engage in our treatment and rehab programs start a path of recovery, empowerment, and self-sufficiency. They begin to lead their own lives, on their terms, with respect and dignity for themselves and others. Access to comprehensive medical and behavioral health care is provided. Doctors and clinicians form a team with clients and patients to map out unique paths to recovery. Jobs are secured and retained. Children are reunited with their mothers and fathers. Families function again. 

Recovery is a gift, and we can help you take full advantage of it. It is a privilege to serve the men and women on their journeys in the world of recovery. Contact us today and begin your own journey, joining thousands of other NH community members that Harbor Care has helped.